olO explores poem as crossing between illusion and mundane in the theatre space and in the body. Poem as something that connects equally to everyday and utopist realities, perceptions and layers. It creates and researches intensities and intimacies in and between body and theatre space. olO aims to create difference and to question what performativity and non-performativity can mean in the world and in the receiving and intentional body.

Eeva Juutinen, koreografia
Vilma Vantola, valosuunnittelu
Tony Sikström, äänisuunnittelu
Helka Saariniemi, lavastus- ja pukusuunnittelu
Terhi Hartikainen ja Maria Mäkelä, tanssi

Valokuvat: Katri Naukkarinen
Taideyliopiston Teatterikorkeakoulu, 2021
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